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The scriptures tell us that the earth will be destroyed a total of three times. The first was by water during the days of Noah to purge unrepentant man from the earth and restore God’s order. The next time the earth will be destroyed is during the Tribulation period through a series of various events; several of which are clearly described as resulting from fire in which the Lord will once again purge unrepentant man from the earth. After this second restoration (Isaiah 65: 17-25), the Lord will reign on the Earth for 1,000 years. The Book of Revelation then states that after this period, the world once again turns wicked and God executes the third destruction. In this final destruction, the Earth and heavens (the entire universe) will pass away with a fervent heat and a new heaven and a new Earth of eternity.

The Scriptures provide the framework by which the end-times will unfold and describes a world where there must be a convergence of religion, economics, and leadership. Right now, we clearly see these new systems and ideologies merging and most surmise that a one-world financial system will emerge as nations’ economies become more unstable. The Bible also talk about the characteristics of the last generation and we are the first generation in human history to meets all of the conditions described in the Scriptures. The Bible also states that during these last days there would be unprecedented Christian and Jewish persecution of which we also see the framework being laid today for such a scenario. 

This is exactly what is being described within the text of Revelation. John described that before 1/3 of the Earth was burnt up, “there came hail and fire”; seemingly contradicting states of matter. As continues into the tratosphere, it would then vaporize all planes, birds and flying insects which also complies with the next description from John that the coming of hail and fire was “mixed with blood”. It would then continue to the surface of the Earth where John clearly described that this hail, fire and blood is then, “cast upon the earth” – burning up 1/3 of the trees and grass! As you can see, John’s description is specific and intended to be in chronological order; describing exactly what one would expect if an unprecedented did indeed strike the Earth.

Since God commonly utilizes His own creations to carry out judgement as we see this time and time again throughout the Old Testament, then we know if this scenario is true, we may already be seeing the foundation of this event unfolding today. First, something has changed within the last 10 years regarding how governments are planning for continuity of operation; they’re now thinking global. Recently, governments all over the world have built over 1,000 doomsday seed vaults to ensure the survival of the human race. The largest that we know of is the Norwegian vault on the island of Spitsbergen in the Arctic Circle. In addition, governments have begun building massive underground bunkers and small underground cities carved within the bedrock of mountains for their leadership.

Luc: 7: 8. Therefore the world need to bear fruits worthy of repentance.